Saturday, August 16, 2008

Julie's new motto and Dan's new passion

Last week, Dan and I acquired two new things: a new motto and a new passion. Now, don't think too carefully here... we haven't completely changed our lives. Instead, we've added two bicycles to the Spicer apartment/household. My bike's name written on its orange flashy paint is "Motto" and Dan's bike, though not pictured here today, has the name "Passion" written on it. We like to ride Motto and Passion around Nowon and down to the river, whizzing by the slow pedestrians and joining the other crazies on the sidewalk, i.e. delivery guys on scooters and old men on bikes.

Giving it a test drive down the ol' apartment hallway.

The Motto.

Each week, we have about this much recycling stuff to bring to the main floor of our apartment building to sort and get rid of! We don't have to takeout the trash much, but we tend to put off the job of recycling until it gets to this point. Sickness.

Monday, August 4, 2008

From the Heart

To see more pictures click here...
and here.