Friday, January 29, 2010

A little bit of LATELY...

It's not Thanksgiving anymore, and it's hardly Christmas... it's pretty much February, but here we are, at that moment of boredom that leads to a photo-filled "little bit of lately" post. Here's a look at Christmas, the little baby boy we know as Mordy (Katie and Luke's son of 12 weeks), and a visit from the one and only Jenny Abegg. Here we go...

Probably my favorite picture of Dan and Mordecai. Mo. Mordy. How tiny can that thing get? Pretty tiny, if you curl him up just right!

About a month old here...

Christmas!!! Get the Christmas dishes out!! (and! don't use a normal mug - only a red Christmas tree will do, otherwise Carol will be pissed.)

Making Russian Wedding Cakes. A nice shot of the husband, if I may say so myself.

George and me chillaxing.

Christmas Eve!!

A few days after Christmas, Jenny came to visit!! We struggled to get this one-of-a-kind stop sign picture. Appreciate it!!

In Dan's (I don't take ownership yet) pickup in progress.

A discarded exhaust pipe has oh so many uses: #1: communication tunnel.

#2: Microphone (just look at my audience of one - such attention!)

#3: electric guitar, of course.

Shot at the doorway.

Fake first meeting. (but our happiness is genuine)

Cheesy, but definitely necessary, Christmas tree best friend photo.

A little New Year's Eve beer, boys?

This boy must wait his turn (for a vase of beer). We wanted him alive that night, and functioning normally

A babe cannot stop Katie from getting in her Wii game for the night!

A more joyous New Year's Eve has never been known! Eh, Mordy!!?

Cheers to a new decade!
Try not kissing that face!!!

