Sunday, June 29, 2008

House From Space

This is what google thinks our house looks like... We live at the top of the bright big one in the middle... Just a little bit to the left side.

View Larger Map

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our first week!

Has it really been a week? We arrived in Seoul last Thursday night, moved into our apartment on Saturday, hung out with friends Sunday, went to a soccer game at the world cup stadium (North Korea vs. South Korea - a 0-0 tied score, unfortunately), and started teaching at our new job on Monday! That's normal, right? :)

Dan and I teach at an after school English academy in a district of Seoul called Nowon-gu, so our teaching day begins around 2-3 pm and goes until 8-9 pm. Not a bad schedule for our night owl selves. We have the nicest boss on the face of the planet, and the kids are cute and mostly well behaved. Some classes are better than others... The day starts out with the little ones (age 7ish) and finishes with middle schoolers.

So, here are some pictures of our time so far!

Fast friends - actually, just some Koreans who wanted a pic with us

View from the 15th floor (top) of our apart. building

Moving into the apartment...some friends had come to say farewell to Nathan and Lydia (the teachers we replaced)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Our Grand West Adventure

This is what I'm going to do. I just spent a fine chunk of time putting up a bunch of photos on facebook. It would be in my best interest for you to look at them there. However, I will post a few here to tempt you to click the link below:

view the first set here
view the second set here

But first... get a sneak peak:

Carpenteria Campground, near Santa Barbara, CA

My favorite spot.

The best camping spot in the world.

Dan at the Grand Canyon

Cutie Daniel

On our way...

So, almost a year has gone by since the last post on here, but now you will find us much changed, and hopefully dedicated to keeping you in the loop. On Wednesday, June 18th, we are taking off for Seoul, Korea to teach English for one year. Shocked? Don't be. This decision has been brewing for months now and we are excited and nervously looking forward to a year of old fashioned work, paying off debt, and exploring the country with friends we have over there and friends we'll make.

There will be more to come once we arrive, so stay posted!