Sunday, June 27, 2010

There you are, Summer!

Ok, first things first: I've got to show you a few pictures of my pride and joy these days (that would be my garden). Summer has arrived in triple digits today, so I guess it's not messing around anymore. We've had a long spring with temperatures in the 70s and 80s for May and mid-June, but now it's 90s and 100s! You know what that means: happy tomato plants (and weary sweet pea plants). I pulled up the last of my sweet peas the other day. It was long past time to say adieu, but I couldn't handle the thought of goodbye until it became even harder to look at the poor, yellow, wilted guys. The tomato plant featured in this first picture is the model plant of the garden, definitely the top of the class. It has now almost exceeded my height when my arm is stretched all the way up. See second picture.

The tomatoes along the back fence have not done as well as the model plant, but they are producing some big, green tomatoes. Will we get to taste them before moving in August? Maybe I'll have to make a deal with them -- no water after the middle of July if they still haven't turned red. An ultimatum, if you will. Somehow it seems like a lose-lose situation.

These plants are taller than me now! It's not even July!

Dan built something for the green beans to climb. Will we be around to see some pods? Check back for the answer in July.

The cherry tomato plant decided to be very fruitful a its base, and then grow up with only a few tomatoes in its mid and top section. Pourquoi, plante, pourquoi?

These are for my eating pleasure later. 4 whole cherry tomatoes! I should really consider selling them at the Farmer's Market in town. $15/1 cherry tomato sounds about right. When commodities are scarce, prices skyrocket!!! Everybody knows that.

Below are some photos from the garden several weeks ago. I thought they were good enough to make it into today's post.

Well, I couldn't exactly leave out a picture of the first piano that actually belongs to me. Mine. My very own! Yamaha Arius is its name.

We had our 3rd wedding anniversary on June 2nd. We posed in the garden just for you.

Anniversary flowers :)

In May, we had visitors!! Scott and Janet Anderson visited us with the 2 cutest kids in the world who happen to be theirs. Carter and Olivia, come back and play with us! (You too, Scott and Janet!) What a good couple of days that was.

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